Welcome back everyone. This term in Science we are looking at the theme of discovery. To kick this off, we are starting with a look at the planet Earth. The PowerPoint from class is below. I look forward to discovering the marvels of our planet with all of you!
Mr James :)
Mr James :)
lesson_1_-_the_earth.pptx |
earth_diagram.docx |
Hi all. The content for this week is below. We will be focusing on Volcanoes and Geology this week - enjoy! In terms of homework, I want everyone to work on their lab reports which they will receive this week. Any issues come and see me!
Mr James :)
Mr James :)
lesson_2_-_volcanoes_and_rocks.pptx |
lab_-_continental_drift.docx |
Hi team. This week we will take a more in-depth look at volcanoes and their devastating consequences. Lab reports due on Tuesday!
Any issues come and see me,
Mr James :)
Any issues come and see me,
Mr James :)
Hi again guys. This week in Science we will be finishing off our Geological Timelines. Couled with this, we will be looking at our eras in more detail. Be patient creating your timeline, as this is a major assessment piece for this term. Good luck!
Mr James :)
Mr James :)
Geological Timeline Documents...
Below are the documents - including tasksheet and task details - for you to study and look over :)
geological_time_scale-assessment.docx |
makingtimelinelab.pdf |
timescale.pdf |
Hi everyone. There are some serious interruptions this week with NAPLAN occurring for the grade sevens. Therefore, this week we will work towards completing out Geological Timelines in class. As an added part of this assessment item, you will all be required to complete a brief response to the work you have been doing on your timelines. In preparation for this, make sure you familiarise yourselves with the document we used in class to create our timelines. This is attached above. Both girls and boys will be assessed on Sunday... Good luck!!!
Mr James :)
Mr James :)
Hey all. The next three weeks will be heavily focused on the Earth and our moon, and the wider solar system. We will also be looking at moon phases and tides on our planet. The content covered in the next three weeks will go towards your science exam which will occur in WEEK 10.
All the best,
Mr James :)
All the best,
Mr James :)
moon_phases.pptx |
moons_and_tides.pptx |
Hey hey peeps! This week we are all about our Solar System and the Universe. Let's move beyond our plaanet and our moon in an attempt to explore what is really out there...
Stay tuned...
Stay tuned...
space.ppt |
Hi all. Abdulla Al Nuaimi has kindly offered his presentation for all to look over. Many of the concepts in his work are important for the exam, so it is worth a read.
Thanks Abdulla!
Mr James :)
Thanks Abdulla!
Mr James :)
space_-_3abood_-_animations_by_5aloof_bro.pptx |
Hey everyone. It is exam week! The great news is that MST is almost done and dusted!!! Below is a revision tool which might help you. All the best and good luck.
Mr James :)
Mr James :)
millionaire_space.ppt |
discovery_revision_test.docx |