Hi parents and students. Just a quick update on this weeks events. We should all be working very hard on completing our 'Around the World in 80 Shapes' presentations for this coming Sunday. I have huge expectations for all of you. I have eased off on homework this week so you can work on your assignments so I am expecting big things. Any issues come and see me...
Mr James :)
Well week 7 is upon us. This term is flying by! This week our focus will be on quadrilaterals, circles and, if time permits, 3D Shapes. The powerpoints for these are on this web page. Assessment for this Maths unit has been submitted to all of you now, so it is expected you will make a start on this at home. I will ease off on homework for a little while, as you complete this assignment. I will work through the assignment in more detail throughout the week, so it is important that you don't miss any school.
Come and see me if you have any concerns or questions!
Mr James
Hello all! Today (Sunday) you will all receive your task for the next Maths assessment. It is important that you show your parents, so they know what you are doing in class. Attached below is a copy of the assessment so if you lose the one I give you (which I know some of you will), you can get one here off weebly.
This assessment is due in HARD COPY and ELECTRONIC COPY on Sunday the 6th March. Any questions come and see me.
Mr James

shapes_investigation.docx |
File Size: | 371 kb |
File Type: | docx |
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around_the_world_in_80_shapesppp.pptx |
File Size: | 101 kb |
File Type: | pptx |
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Hello team. Week 6 is nearly over and the long weekend is upon us. This week our content has revolved around POLYGONS and TRIANGLES in Maths. Be sure that your homework sheets are being completed and submitted to me in class! Remember I am keeping records for your parents...
Also, I am expecting that every single one of you goes home and revises the content we do in BOTH Maths and Science everyday. 10 minutes is all I ask...
Have a great long weekend and if you have any questions, email me at [email protected]. Love your work!
Mr James

shapes_unit_sequencing.docx |
File Size: | 12 kb |
File Type: | docx |
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introduction_to_shapes.pptx |
File Size: | 278 kb |
File Type: | pptx |
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