Year 6 and 7 Mathematics, Science and Technology

Welcome to Term 2 Math

This term we cover three topics:
   Rates and Ratio   

Ongoing homework entails finishing the topic we studied in class that day.  Extension work will be set for students working ahead of the rest of the class, for example, in shapes, students are designing a powerpoint and oral presentation that focuses on shapes and megastructures. This involves utilising the skills that we have learnt in the unit.
Additional homework will be set when students are completing an assignment - this will be in the form of worksheets and an investigation task.

Enjoy this term! :-)

Mr Nat

Unit 1 - Rates, Ratio and Proportions

Percentages, rate, ratio and proportion can be used to describe relationships between quantities and to solve problems in practical situations involving money, time and other measures

      e.g.  if a breakfast drink contains 10% mango juice, 20% pineapple juice, 30% orange juice and the rest is water, how many millilitres of each juice is there in a 2-litre container of the breakfast drink?; find the number of girls in a school as a proportion of the total number of students in the school; for two similar products such as breakfast cereal, determine which is better value by comparing the mass of cereal in each package and the cost.

EsProblems can be interpreted and solved by selecting from the four operations and mental, written and technology-assisted strategies

      e.g.  find the price of a $68.00 shirt with 25% discount.

Week 4

In math this week

Week 5

This week we will be focusing on revision and practice for the exam which is at the end on the week. For homework you should be doing the practice exam and the revision worksheets. The exam will be held on Thursday the 3rd of February. Good luck on the exam :) 
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Unit 2 - Space - Shapes

  • Analyse situations to identify mathematical concepts and the relationships between key features and conditions necessary to generate solutions.

    Eg analyse famous megastructures or international or local landmarks to identify the use of 2D and 3D shapes and objects, and to describe the features of these.
  • Reflect on and identify the contribution of mathematics to their life.

    Eg how and why have the 2D and 3D shapes been effectively used in the selected structure.

Shapes - Week 6
Week 6 is the start of our space unit focusing on shapes. This week we will be looking at 2D shapes and the types of 2D shapes. We will focus on triangles, polygons and quadrilaterals, all PowerPoints and worksheets are to be completed. The assessment task; Around the world in 80 shape will be outlined this week, students need to be thinking about 5 (five)megastructures from around the world that they can study. 

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Shapes - Week 7
This week in shapes we will be finishing our study into 2D shapes and starting to focus on 3D shapes. The assessment task will be handed out this week, with students expected to start to research their chosen 5 (five) Megastructures by the end of this week.  

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Shapes - Week 8

This week in math we will be focusing on our "Around the world in 80 shapes" assessment task. Students are to complete a PowePoint presentation on 5 Megastructures and a 2 minute speech presenting the PowerPoint. The PowerPoint draft is due Thursday the 3rd of March and the final copy is due Sunday the 6th of March. Homework for this week is working on your PowerPoint and your Speech. Good luck :)
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Shapes - Week 9

Your "Around the world in 80 shapes" PowerPoint is due on Sunday the 6th of March. Speeches start on Tuesday the 8th of March and will continue till the end of the week. All students must present a 2 minute speech on their PowerPoint presentation. Homework this week will be writing and practicing your speeches.

Unit 3a - Measurment - Time

  • Timetables and duration of events involving both 12- and 24-hour time cycles in Australian time zones can be calculated

         e.g. calculate the length of a flight between the east and west coasts of Australia, taking into account the time difference

·         Knows key times in 24-hour time, that 0000 is midnight; that times between 0000 and 1200 are am and that times after 1200 are pm

·         Calculates time elapsed in terms of hours, minutes and seconds from analog and digital timepieces, for both 12- and 24-hour cycles

·         Knows names of longer periods like decades and centuries

·         Knows Australian time zones and Australian daylight savings times
