Year 6 and 7 Mathematics, Science and Technology


Hi everyone, welcome back. The first three weeks of this term will be dedicated to the study of measurement - perimeter, area and volume. Week one will focus on esimation and error in measurement AND perimeter and area of rectangles.

In terms of homework and course content, everyone will receive non-digital worksheets to guide their study. Therefore, very few worksheets will go up here on weebly, so it is important that you act responsibly and keep your work filed. Nevertheless, I will try and upload as much digital work as I can.

Good luck for a successful term - it will fy by!

Mr James :)  


Hey hey! This week our focus will be on perimeter of rectangles, triangles and other extended perimeter questions. We will also be doing work on finding the circumference of circles as well as finding the area of rectangles and circles. REMEMBER OUR FORMULAS... The are the key to your success!!!

Any issues, come and see me.

Mr James :)

PS. Remember our work will not be uploaded electronically - keep and complete the sheets and questions we do in class...


Hi all. This week we will look at area and volume and begin revision for our exam next week. Revise your worksheets and in-class work and please study your formulas! If you are having any troubles, come and see me!

Mr James :)
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